Wireless Wire je novo riješenje koje omogućava visoke brzine prijenosa za vrlo malu cijenu. Ovaj uređaj može zamijeniti Gigabitni ethernet kabel sa dva uređaja koja komuniciraju putem 60GHz wireless linka. Setup je jednostavan, samo usmjerite jedan uređaj prema drugom, uključite napajanje, i oni automatski uspostavljaju gigabitni link. Wireless wire ima sigurnu vezu koja je enkriptirana snažnom AES enkripcijom, te radi na 60GHz tako da nema utjecaja od strane zagušenog wireless spektra, čime se omogućuje brz i siguran link na udaljenostima na 200+ metara. Komplet uključuje dva uparena uređaja, wall-mount kit, vezice za montažu na stup i postolja za indoor korištenje. Link radi isključivo pri čistoj optičkoj vidljivosti, te kroz većinu prozora (ovisno o tipu stakla).
MikroTik wAP 60G (RBwAPG-60ad), weatherproof integrated 60 GHz wireless unit, that can be used indoors or outdoors as Point-to-Point or CPE unit. Includes Phase array 60° beamforming Integrated antenna, 716 Mhz CPU, 256 MB RAM, PSU and PoE, RouterOS L3. wAP 60G connects to 60 GHz AP for distances of 100m+
MikroTik wAP 60G AP (RBwAPG-60ad-A), 60 GHz Base Station with Phase array 60° beamforming Integrated antenna, 716 Mhz CPU, 256 MB RAM, PSU and PoE, RouterOS L4. can be used indoors or outdoors in different scenarios - Base Station, Point-to-Point or CPE.
MikroTik Wireless Wire Dish (RBLHGG-60ADKIT) Pair of preconfigured LHGG-60ad devices for 60Ghz link (60GHz antenna, 802.11ad wireless, four core 716MHz CPU, 256MB RAM, 1x Gigabit LAN, RouterOS L3, POE, PSU) for 1Gbps full duplex on distances of up to 2km
MikroTik Wireless Wire Dish LHG 60G (RBLHGG-60ad), a high-speed 60 GHz CPE point-to-multipoint unit Wireless Wire Dish, one unit. Router OS Lvl3. Connect up to eight of these units to a 60 GHz access point, such as our wAP60G AP or wAP 60Gx3 AP, and enjoy the smooth connection with data rate up to 2 Gbps. The effective point-to-point distance between two LHG 60G units is up to 1500 meters, point-to-multipoint – up to 800 meters.
Ubiquiti Networks UBB, UniFi Building Bridge is a 60GHz point-to-point wireless link with a 5GHz redundancy to extend your network to neighboring building. UBB has throughput is 1.7Gbps+ with a maximum 500m distance and managed or monitored via the UniFi Controller. antena gain 60 Ghz 10 dBi 17.2 dBi. GPS, Max TX power 25 dBm (5GHz). Pole mount kit included. Dish dimension 140 x 140 x 90 mm
Ubiquiti Networks AF60, airFiber 60 (1 kom). Riječ je o gigabitnom PTP 60 GHz rješenju s rezervnim radio dijelom od 5 GHz za moguće pogoršane uvjete. Vrlo robusna jedinica s metalnim nosačem, antenom od 38dBi (samo 11dBi na 5GHz) i 3 plastične noge u kojima se nalazi radijator koji uključuje glavni radio od 60GHz i rezervni radio dio od 5GHz te Gigabit Ethernet priključak s pasivnim PoE od 24V. Radio dio od 60 GHz ima maksimalnu brzinu modulacije 4,6 Gbps pri modulaciji 16QAM. Rezervna veza od 5 GHz riješena je upotrebom 2x2 MIMO integriranih airMAX AC radija s maksimalnom brzinom modulacije 866 Mbps.
Wireless Wire nRAY, 60GHz, L3, complete link. Plug and play 60 GHz PtP link solution. 1500m max distance. 1 Gbit link, full duplex. Supports both 802.3at and passive PoE 12-57 V. Gigabit PoE injector, 24V power adapter and precision holder included.
Ubiquiti AF60-LR, airFiber 60 LR is an improved/more powerful version of the 60 GHz (57 to 71 GHz) link from Ubiquiti Networks with Wave technology for long-distance data transmission. It is a Gigabit PTP 60 GHz solution for a maximum distance of up to 12 km with the possibility of setting both the classic bandwidth 2160 MHz and half the bandwidth of 1080 MHz for maximum transfer rate 1.8 Gbps. 60G-PM precision mount and GbE PoE adapter included.
MikroTik CubeG-5ac60aypair, Wireless Wire Cube Pro. Complete PTP connection with robust and easy-to-position brackets, L4 licenses, 11° antenna ( 60 GHz), Gigabit Ethernet with support for both passive and active PoE and is suitable for point-to-point installations in the 60 GHz band working with 802.11ad/ay standards with real throughput up to 1 Gbps Full Duplex at a distance of up to 2400 m. The units also have a 5GHz radio part with the 802.11a/n/ac protocol as a backup for possible disconnection in bad weather. Both units are set up and paired at the factory.
MikroTik CubeG-5ac60ay, Cube 60Pro ac. Cube 60Pro ac, complete client antenna with robust and easily adjustable holder, L4 license, 11° antenna (60 GHz ), Gigabit Ethernet, support for both passive and active PoE and suitable for PTP or PTMP installations in 60G Hz band working with 802.11ad/ay standards, real throughput up to 1Gbps Full Duplex at a distance of 1000 m (Cube 60Pro ac + CubeSA 60Pro ac) and up to 2400 m in case of PTP (2× Cube 60Pro ac). Unit also has a 5GHz radio part with the 802.11a/n/ac protocol as a backup for possible disconnection in bad weather.
Ubiquiti AF60-HD, airFiber 60 HD. 60 GHz radio deisgned to create superior mid-range, point-to-point links up to 2km. Low-interference, low-latency throughput within 60 GHz spectrum. Features integrated GPS and Bluetooth management radio for simple setup. 1 x 10/100/1000 GbE RJ45 Port, 1 x 1/10 Gbps SFP port. Max powerconsumption 29W. Mast holder, PoE adapter included.
Ubiquiti Wave-LR, UISP Wave Long-Range. PtMP solution @ 60 GHz with 5 GHz (WiFi 6) backup radio. Range up to 8km and 2 Gbps Speed (1 Gbps Full Duplex). Gigabit LAN port with Passive PoE Support. Built in GPS. PoE injector included.
Ubiquiti Wave AP Micro - The Ubiquiti Wave AP Micro is a PtMP access point at 60 GHz that uses advanced Wave technology. It is ideal for ISPs that want to offer fast and reliable Internet access in urban and suburban areas
Ubiquiti Wave-Nano - The UISP Wave Nano can connect to a Wave access point and provide a total bandwidth of 2 Gbps (1 Gbps duplex). The Wave Nano is equipped with a high-performance 5 GHz backup radio for uninterrupted connectivity, and a Bluetooth radio that simplifies setup using the UISP mobile app
Ubiquiti AF60LR-Radome - Radome cover for AF60-LR - The Snow Radome Cover is a highly durable snow cover designed to help airFiber 60 LR (AF60 LR) radios withstand harsh winter temperatures and conditions. Manufactured from a single piece of polycarbonate, this radome cover easily snaps onto a AF60 LR radio without obstructing the built-in LEDs that indicate key device status and configuration information